My first anatomy illustrations were bad
They were not clear and they reflect very well my skills at that moment. My art was not bad from a didactic point of view but from a commercial perspective I had low quality artworks. The following image is not my first anatomy illustration but it is one of my first paid projects.
Medical Illustration, Medical art and Anatomy
The following years I kept learning about human body, systems, anatomy, tissue looks, scientific language, latin naming of body parts and all that beautiful stuff. I learned what anterior/posterior/superior/inferior/medial/caudal mean, but most important I learned from people around about quality, opinions, offence, personality. Some of my recent medical related projects get better and better quality-wise and most important, I get the clients better, I understand them, I read the scripts more easily.
This piece was built for a client a couple of years back:
This year, I built some interesting visuals. The technique changed a bit. I do not work exclusively 2d, now I use Blender, Zbrush, Cinema 4d and other rendering software to start my visuals and then I go in 3d to give them my artist touch, as 3d can look a bit too dry.

So please keep at it. If you are just starting, the things will go better and better.
This is Medical Illustration, Medical art and Anatomy